15 Most Frequently Asked Questions On Masculinity

Last updated on May 30th, 2024 at 11:58 am

Frequently asked questions on masculinity will give you an insight into what masculinity is about with quick questions and answers to popular questions on the subject matter.

I decided to make this post for people who want to have a quick peek into facts about masculinity without reading a long article on the topic.

However, you can read a comprehensive article on masculinity.

Frequently asked questions on masculinity

1. What is masculinity?

Masculinity is defined as a set of behaviours that are associated with which are defined culturally and can include such traits as strength, independence, and courage.

2. How does society define masculinity?

Every society has its own definition of masculinity according to its norms and what they expect from men. But the definition is almost consistent across cultures.

3. Is masculinity toxic?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions on masculinity. It is said to be toxic when men become dangerous to themselves or others in their quest to express masculinity.

For example, using aggression, violence, or dominance to achieve a goal when it is not self-defense is toxic.

Also, another way masculinity can be toxic is by engaging in risky habits and activities as a show of proof of manliness.

4. How does toxic masculinity affect men and society as a whole?

Harmful masculinity leads to dangerous behaviours driven by aggression or the quest to dominate. It adds to mental health issues like depression and anxiety both to the person and the people around him.

On the societal level, it can institute toxic gender stereotypes which can further strengthen gender inequality.

5. What are the different types of masculinity?

There is no specific list of types of masculinity because it varies across cultures, communities, and individuals.

Here are the several types of masculinity that are recognized:

  • Traditional masculinity
  • New age/progressive masculinity
  • Queer masculinity
  • Metrosexual Masculinity
  • Athletic Masculinity
  • Intellectual Masculinity
  • Spiritual Masculinity

6. How can men embrace a healthy form of masculinity?

Men can embrace healthy masculinity by avoiding harmful and dangerous gender stereotypes, being themselves in confidence, being emotionally intelligent, and knowing that taking risks in the face of death is not manliness.

Suggested: What is Masculine Energy?

7. Can women exhibit masculinity?

Yes, there are masculine women who can exhibit manly traits like strength, deep voice, dressing, and even activities designated for men.

8. How do culture and ethnicity affect masculinity?

Cultures and ethnicities have a serious influence on masculinity. In fact, manliness and its meaning are embedded in every culture and ethnicity.

For instance, my people believe that every man should be able to have a yam ban and farm yam every farming season. If you as a man do not cultivate yam, then you are not man enough.

This kind of belief or culture is prevalent across cultures.

9. Is there a crisis of masculinity in modern society?

People argue about the crisis of masculinity. But if you examine it, masculinity has never been stable. It’s in an unending shape-ganging spree.

The set of traits of what it means to be a man continues to change according to how society is changing.

For example, providing for the family is no longer exclusive to men. Women in modern society also provide for the family and this is a threat to masculinity as the respect that comes with providing is gone.

This is an example of what people regard as masculinity in crisis.

10. How does masculinity affect mental health in men?

It affects mental health in men by putting men under pressure to them conform to the gender stereotypes they are not naturally with.

This pressure induces stress and can plunge one into depression. Also, men in their quest to prove they are manly can indulge in harmful attitudes like drinking and using drugs that can induce depression and other mental health issues.

11. What are the challenges faced by men in expressing emotions?

Expressing emotions is a challenge for the man because of what society expects of him as a man.

For example, it is not expected that a man shed tears in the face of adversity just because he is a man.

Men are expected to be emotionally resilient. They are also expected to be loud in their expressions of anger in some societies. These are the challenges facing men in their masculinity journey.

12. How do gender roles and stereotypes affect masculinity?

Gender roles and stereotypes can affect masculinity by defining and enforcing what it means to be a man.

As time changes, these stereotypes change too, defining what men have to do to be considered masculine.

This affects the way men are willing to express themselves in their original nature.

13. Can masculinity be redefined to be more inclusive of diverse gender identities?

It can be redefined to accommodate more gender identities, but sometimes this can be in conflict with the prevailing culture in the particular society.

14. How can we create a society that embraces healthy and positive forms of masculinity?

By orientation from childhood on healthy and positive masculinity and challenging harmful gender stereotypes. Also, it can be achieved by promoting emotional intelligence that imbues confidence and supports gender equality.

15. What is the relationship between masculinity and violence?

Men don’t like to be defeated, it is below their dignity to be subdued by their fellow man, so in their quest to dominate and be seen as masculine, they indulge in violence.

Just like the alpha male in the wild who tries to dominate and be on top of the social ladder and uses violence to achieve this, masculinity also employs violence when other tactics fail.


Masculinity is a complex topic of interest to a lot of people. Some don’t have the patience to look for articles, while some can’t find them.

I believe these frequently asked questions on masculinity would have touched an area of the subject matter.


The Impact of Masculinity On Society: Embracing Diversity And Inclusion


Questions And Answers About Masculinity

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Pious Clements is the insightful voice behind "The Conducts of Life" blog, where he writes about life ethics, self-development, life mastery, and the dynamics of people and society.

With a profound understanding of human behaviuor and societal dynamics, Pious offers thought-provoking perspectives on ethical living and personal growth.
Through engaging narratives and astute observations, he inspires readers to navigate life's complexities with wisdom and integrity, encouraging a deeper understanding of the human experience and our place within society.