What Is An Alpha Male? Controversy, Types, And Impact On Society  

Last updated on December 29th, 2023 at 10:37 am

What is an alpha male? This question is a popular one since the alpha concept became a popular topic among young men who are not sure of their masculinity.

The term is almost a trap for any man who is not confident in their personality as it sets them off grappling with the idea of upgrading their manliness.

While the concept has been around for centuries, it has recently become a topic of interest in popular culture, with many people questioning its relevance and accuracy.

In this blog post, we will explore the characteristics, types, and controversy, and examine whether the alpha male is a valid and useful archetype in today’s society in a quest to answer the question – what is an alpha male?

Whether you are curious about the concept or looking to improve your own leadership skills, this post will provide valuable insights and information on the topic.

We have a dedicated article about the history and origin of the alpha male.

Table of Contents

Who is an Alpha Male?

The concept is controversial and debated within the scientific community.

However, in popular culture and layman’s terms, an “alpha male” is typically defined as a man who demonstrates dominant, confident, and assertive behavior, with a strong presence and ability to command respect from others.

They are often associated with physical strength, success, competitiveness, and high social status, as well as traits such as decisiveness, independence, and leadership skills.

Related: 33 Alpha Male Signs And Traits Of The Modern Man

Alpha Male in the Socio-Sexual Hierarchy

Alpha Male is the top position in the Socio-sexual Hierarchy, which is a system that categorizes men into different levels based on their ability to attract and mate with women.

In the hierarchy, the alpha male holds the top position and has the most access to sexual partners and resources.

He is seen as the leader of the social group and is respected by his peers.

The alpha is skilled in attracting women, and women find him highly desirable due to his social skills, career success, and leadership skills.

He is seen as the most attractive man in the group, and men lower down the hierarchy are often envious of his success and attractiveness.

Related: What Kind of Woman Attracts Alpha Males?

Controversy Surrounding the Alpha Male Concept

The controversy surrounding the alpha male is centered around the concept itself and its validity in today’s society.

This concept has been studied in biology and animal behavior, but it has been applied to human behavior and relationships.

Critics argue that the concept is outdated and based on flawed research conducted on animals.

Related: The Rise Of The Beta Male: Embracing Authentic Masculinity

Others argue that it promotes toxic masculinity and reinforces harmful gender stereotypes.

Advocates argue that the concept is relevant and that it represents a natural hierarchy in human society.

Additionally, some argue that the alpha male concept is a misinterpretation of evolutionary biology, which suggests that human behavior is shaped by individual needs, motivations, and cultural factors, rather than solely by biological factors.

The controversy surrounding the alpha male concept highlights broader debates about gender roles and sexuality, and how these are shaped by historical, cultural, and biological factors.

Related: Why You Should Stop Chasing The Alpha Male Status

Characteristics of an Alpha Male

Alpha males are commonly associated with power, strength, confidence, and dominance.

These traits have been admired and sought after by many men throughout human history.

He is essentially one at the top of the social hierarchy, someone who sets the standard and leads by example.

Here are some of the characteristics that define and answer the question – what is an alpha male?

1. Confidence

Alpha males portray an air of self-assurance and have no issue being the center of attention.

They are comfortable in their skin and stand firmly for what they believe in.

They do not seek validation from others but instead rely on their assessment of their worth.

2. Charisma

An alpha male has a natural allure and magnetism that draws others towards him.

They are typically very good at communicating their ideas and gaining the respect and admiration of others.

Also, they can command a room through their presence and command attention without even uttering a word.

3. Assertiveness

He is not afraid to take control in any given situation.

They are known for assertiveness and often lead the pack with clear opinions and direction.

They have an unwavering determination to achieve their goals and readily take initiative when it is needed.

4. Leadership

Alphas are well respected and admired as natural leaders. They are able to motivate and inspire others, by setting clear goals and objectives.

They always seem to know what they want and exactly how to get it.

This particular trait makes them very effective in leadership positions, especially where their unique skills and abilities meet the needs of an organization.

5. Strength

He is expected to be a force to reckon with when it comes to physical strength, resilience, and toughness.

While this characteristic doesn’t solely define an alpha male, it also embodies superior strength in emotional, spiritual, and psychological dealings.

An alpha male is lauded for being strong-willed, overcoming obstacles, and persevering through tough situations.

Also Read: The Impact Of Gender Stereotypes On Individuals

6. Lone-wolf Qualities

Alpha males may tend to act independently and not conform to social norms.

They are independent and don’t necessarily require the validation or acceptance of those around them.

They are ready to pave new paths to fulfilling their ambitions and become more recognizable by taking risks and blazing new trails – something that often disqualifies those less committed to their goals.

7. Dominance

They tend to dominate and exert power and influence over others. They are obtrusive and try to push their interest to the fore without much consideration for others’.

 This trait sets him against others and that’s the reason he is constantly in brawls and altercations.

8. Social intelligence and popularity

Alpha males do well in social scenes because they assert themselves and call the shots. This trait makes them popular as they pay attention to themselves.

They know how to approach people, talk smoothly, navigate difficult social terrains, and achieve their desires.

Related: Alpha Male Weakness And Challenges

Variations of Alpha Male

Types and variations of alpha males

Alpha males have always been a topic of discussion when it comes to human behavior, especially among men.

While the term is often associated only with physical prowess and dominance, there are several variations of alpha males that exist in today’s society.

They all share similar traits such as confidence, charisma, and assertiveness.

However, each type possesses its unique qualities that are essential for success in different aspects of life.

Understanding these variations can help you identify the kind of alpha male you want to be and help you achieve your goals better.

1. The Traditional Alpha Male

The traditional alpha male is the everyday alpha that everyone relates with. He is crude just like his counterparts in the wild, has physical strength, confidence, and aggression, and is very competitive.

He is seen as a leader among men and is often admired for his ability to assert his authority and command respect.

He is expected to take charge in situations, solve problems, and make decisions without hesitation.

The traditional alpha male is often seen as the epitome of masculinity and is expected to be successful in his personal and professional life.

However, this concept has been criticized for promoting toxic masculinity and exclusionary behavior.

2. The Classic Alpha Male

The classic alpha male is what most people up on the social ladder associate with the term.

They are physically imposing, confident, and possess a charismatic persona that people are drawn to.

They are also typically assertive and are good at taking charge while still being highly focused on their goals.

These traits have helped them climb the corporate ladder and attain higher social status.

3. The Gentleman Alpha Male

This type of alpha male is more refined and polished compared to the classic version.

They have excellent social skills and are adaptable to every situation, whether it’s a business meeting or a social gathering.

They are also highly respected by their peers due to their calm demeanor and ability to handle any situation with grace.

4. The Intellectual Alpha Male

This type of alpha male is highly cerebral and analytical. They are usually highly educated, possess a vast knowledge base, and are skilled in critical thinking.

Their primary qualities are their intelligence and their ability to use their knowledge to achieve their goals.

5. The Business Alpha Male

This version of an alpha male is typically found in the corporate world. They are highly skilled in business and have a solid understanding of the industry they work in.

They are also excellent decision-makers and are strategic in their planning to achieve their goals.

6. The Alpha Male with a Heart

This type is highly empathic and caring. They have distinctive emotional intelligence that helps them to connect with people on a deeper level. They are highly supportive and have a natural tendency to lend a helping hand when needed.

7. The Family Man Alpha Male

This version is highly invested in their family and is committed to being an excellent husband and father. They prioritize spending time with their loved ones, and their family is their most significant source of happiness.

When Alpha Males Clash

When dominant or alpha males clash, it often leads to a power struggle.

They often engage in a variety of behaviors that aim to establish dominance over one another.

These behaviors can include aggressive posturing, vocalizations, physical displays of strength or skill, and even verbal confrontations.

In some cases, alpha males may engage in physical combat, though this is often reserved as a last resort.

The outcome of these competitive interactions can vary based on a number of factors, including the physical and mental capabilities of the individuals involved, the social context in which the competition occurs, and the motivations and goals of each participant.

Related: Why Vulnerability is Key for Alpha Males And Masculinity

In some cases, alpha males may be able to assert their dominance and emerge as the clear victor, while in other cases competition may lead to the formation of alliances or the establishment of more complex hierarchies.

Ultimately, the competitive dynamics between alpha males can have important implications for both individuals and groups.

It is capable of shaping social interactions, reproductive success, and even the overall structure and function of a given society.

Misconceptions and Myths

Misconceptions and myths about alpha males are widespread and often perpetuated by media and popular culture.

They are often an enigmatic and misunderstood group of individuals. They are often portrayed in the media as being aggressive, dominant, and hyper-masculine.

However, this portrayal is often based on widespread misconceptions and myths perpetuated by media and popular culture.

It is pertinent to understand that alpha males are not one-dimensional caricatures.

Like all individuals, they are complex and multifaceted, and their behavior and characteristics can vary widely.

Here are common misconceptions and myths about alpha humans that need to be debunked.

Myth #1: Alpha Males are Always Aggressive

One of the most common misconceptions about alpha humans is that they are always aggressive and domineering.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Alpha males are confident and assertive but they don’t always feel the need to dominate others.

In fact, research has shown that alpha humans often use their power and influence to lead and inspire others, rather than to control them.

Myth #2: Alpha Males are Always in Charge

Another common misconception is that they are always in charge.

While it’s true that human alphas are often leaders, they are not always in a position of power.

Alpha males can be found in all walks of life, from the CEO of a Fortune 500 company to a volunteer in a local community group.

Myth #3: Alpha Males are Always Hyper-masculine

They are often associated with hyper-masculinity, but this is not always the case.

While some alpha humans may exhibit stereotypically masculine traits such as physical strength and competitiveness, others may exhibit less traditionally masculine traits such as creativity and emotional intelligence.

The key is that alpha males are confident and secure in themselves, regardless of whether they fit into traditional gender roles.

Myth #4: Alpha Males are Always Successful

Another common misconception is that they are always successful.

While it’s true that alphas often achieve great success, this is not always the case.

Success can be defined in many different ways, and not all are driven by material wealth or career success.

Some may place a priority on family and personal relationships above all other relationships.

Myth #5: Alpha Males are Always Heterosexual

Finally, there is a common misconception that alphas are always heterosexual.

This could not be further from the truth. They can be found in all sexual orientations and gender identities.

The key is in their confidence and assertiveness, not in their sexual orientation or gender identity.

By understanding the true nature of alpha males, we can better appreciate their unique qualities and learn from their leadership and confidence.

We should strive to recognize the diversity within the alpha community and embrace the value that each individual brings to their respective communities.

Negative Effects on Society and Individual

The concept of the alpha male being seen as a leader and dominant figure can have negative effects on both society and the individuals who adopt this mindset.

On a Societal Level

The alpha male concept can reinforce harmful gender stereotypes and contribute to toxic masculinity.

It can set off a culture of competition that triggers aggression among men, which can lead to bullying, harassment, and violence.

The pressure to conform to an alpha male image can also lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem among men who do not fit the stereotypical mold.

On an Individual Level

The alpha male concept can be detrimental to mental health and relationships.

Men who strive to be alpha males may feel pressure to suppress their emotions and pretend to be tough and invulnerable.

This can lead to feelings of isolation, anxiety, and depression.

In relationships, the alpha male mindset can contribute to unhealthy power dynamics, as men may feel the need to dominate and control their partners.

In essence, the concept can have negative effects on both the individual and society as a whole.

It reinforces harmful stereotypes and expectations, contributes to toxic masculinity, and can have damaging effects on mental health and relationships.

It is important to challenge and question these harmful ideas and work towards creating a more inclusive and accepting society.

Unhealthy Beliefs and Practices of Alpha Males

While alpha males may possess desirable qualities such as confidence, assertiveness, and leadership, it is important to recognize the unhealthy beliefs and practices that can be associated with alpha male culture.

It is crucial to challenge and dismantle toxic behaviour and instead foster a culture that values empathy, diversity, and inclusivity.

There are several unhealthy beliefs and practices associated with alpha males:

  • Toxic masculinity: Alpha males may feel pressure to conform to traditional ideas of masculinity, which can lead to toxic behavior such as aggression, dominance, and a lack of emotional expression.
  • Objectification of Women: They may view women as objects to be conquered or dominated rather than as equals. This can lead to unhealthy sexual relationships and a lack of respect for women’s boundaries and autonomy.
  • Insecurity and Validation-Seeking: Alpha males may feel pressure to constantly assert their dominance and prove their worth to others. This can lead to a constant need for validation and a fear of vulnerability or weakness.
  • Lack of Empathy: They may view empathy as a sign of weakness and prioritize their own needs over the needs of others. This can lead to a lack of compassion and understanding for others.
  • Unhealthy Competition: Alpha males may feel the need to constantly compete with others, leading to an unhealthy focus on winning at all costs and a lack of collaboration or teamwork.
  • Dominance over Others: They may feel the need to assert dominance over others in social, personal, or professional settings. This can include speaking over others and interrupting or disregarding other people’s opinions or feelings. This behaviour is disrespectful and shows a lack of empathy and consideration for others.
  • Narrow-Mindedness: Alpha males may have a narrow-minded approach to life and be resistant to change. This can limit their ability to empathize with others and understand different perspectives. This can also create an environment that discourages creativity and innovation, as new ideas may be seen as a threat to their power and control.
  • Misogyny: They may have misogynistic beliefs where they view women as inferior and objectify them. This can lead to a toxic environment where women are not taken seriously and their contributions are undervalued. This behaviour is disrespectful and reprehensible.

Alpha Male Examples in History

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great as an alpha male in history

Alexander the Great, a Greek king and conqueror of the Persian Empire was an alpha male in history.

His military tactics and unwavering determination manifested his charismatic leadership qualities, and his strategic vision etched his name as one of the greatest generals of all time.

He conquered most of the known world during his time, and his legacy remains in many parts of the world.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia.

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar's statue, he is a good example of alpha male in history

Julius Caesar was a military genius and shrewd politician who ruled the Roman Republic with an iron fist.

He was unwavering in his pursuit of power, conquering vast territories and crushing his opponents to consolidate his authority.

His charisma and audacity made him the epitome of alpha male leadership.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleone Bonaparte as a good example of alpha male in history

Napoleon Bonaparte was a prominent military commander and emperor who dominated European history in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

He exuded confidence, strength, and ambition, becoming one of the most prominent alpha males in history.

His military conquests and strategic genius made him an iconic figure, inspiring both fear and admiration in his peers and followers.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia.

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan as an alpha male

Genghis Khan was an alpha male in history who dominated others with his leadership qualities and strategic thinking.

He was a fearless warrior who conquered vast territories, leaving his mark on the world.

His strength, courage, and dominance over his enemies made him a significant figure in history, inspiring generations to come.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Barack Obama

Barak Obama poses in the White House as an alpha male

Barack Obama is a true alpha male in history, exhibiting strength and confidence throughout his presidency.

He is a true leader, inspiring millions of people around the world with his charisma, intelligence, and poise.

His ability to communicate effectively and navigate complex political landscapes is legendary, cementing his place as a powerful force in American history.

Photo Credit: The White House

Becoming an Alpha Male

Here are quick tips for becoming an alpha male

1. Build Self-Confidence

It is essential to recognize that the definition of an alpha male is subjective and can vary based on cultural and personal factors.

The important thing is to foster positive traits such as confidence, assertiveness, and leadership while being true to yourself.

Confidence is the foundation of becoming an alpha male. Start by identifying your strengths and weaknesses and then work on building your self-confidence.

Focus on areas that need improvement and set realistic goals to achieve them.

Celebrate your milestones and accomplishments along the way. Here are ways to get started in your alpha male journey:

2. Practice Assertiveness

As an alpha male, being assertive is key. Practice speaking up for yourself and expressing your opinions even when faced with opposition.

Assertiveness takes time to develop, so start small and gradually build up to more challenging situations.

3. Develop Leadership Skills

Take on leadership roles in your personal and professional life. Volunteer for projects and offer to lead teams. Develop your communication and problem-solving skills to become an effective leader.

4. Cultivate Charisma

Charisma is a mix of charm, wit, and confidence. It takes time to develop but can be fostered by being more engaging and attentive in conversations.

Take time to listen to others’ opinions and actively engage with them. Being charismatic also means being authentic to yourself.

5. Improve Physical Fitness

Physical fitness can improve your physical well-being and confidence. Start by incorporating regular exercise into your routine, eating a balanced diet, and getting enough rest.

Improving your physical appearance can boost your confidence and make you feel more confident in social situations.

6. Authenticity and Self-awareness

Authenticity is the quality of being true to oneself, one’s values, beliefs, and personality, without pretending or conforming to others’ expectations or norms.

This quality is essential for alpha males because you have to be yourself.

It means you should embrace your strengths and weaknesses, express yourself honestly and courageously, and take responsibility for your actions and decisions.

Self-awareness also is the ability to reflect on and understand one’s own feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, as well as their impact on others.

Both authenticity and self-awareness can be useful for identifying as an alpha male, and of course overall character and interpersonal skills, regardless of your gender.

By being authentic, one can gain trust, respect, and loyalty from others, as people appreciate honesty and genuineness.

Authentic people also tend to attract like-minded individuals and form more meaningful relationships.

7. Skillset and Knowledge

Having a diverse range of skills and knowledge can help an individual to be confident, informed, and self-assured in becoming an alpha male.

Someone who invests time and effort to develop themselves in various areas will likely have a broader perspective on the world and a heightened sense of self-esteem.

This, in turn, could lead to the kind of assertiveness, charisma, and leadership skills commonly attributed to an alpha male.

Skills such as communication, negotiation, and decision-making are often listed as key traits classic to alpha male personas.

Being knowledgeable in a variety of subjects can also be useful for commanding respect and facilitating social interaction, which is often associated with alpha male identity.

8. Networking and Mentorship

Networking and mentorship can be an effective way for men to establish themselves as alpha males because they provide opportunities to build strong relationships and develop critical skills that can enhance their leadership qualities.

Networking involves building professional relationships with individuals who share common interests, goals, and values.

By networking, a man gains access to valuable information, resources, and support that can help him advance his career and personal growth.

Alpha males are adept at networking because they understand the importance of cultivating meaningful connections that will benefit them in the long run

Mentorship, on the other hand, involves finding a more experienced and knowledgeable person to guide, advise, and support you in your personal and professional development.

A mentor can help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses, offer objective feedback and constructive criticism, and provide insights and strategies that can help you achieve your goals.

Alpha males often seek out mentors who can help them to develop critical skills such as communication, self-confidence, and decision-making, which are essential for effective leadership.

9. Emotional Health and Balance

Emotional health and balance are essential for overall well-being, including mental and physical health.

People looking to be alpha males should have this in mind and work on their ability to have a firm grip on their emotions.

It is vital to manage emotions healthily, be aware of emotional triggers, and maintain emotional stability.

This can help in building healthy relationships, handling conflicts, improving communication skills, and enhancing self-awareness.

Therefore, developing emotional health and balance can contribute positively to personal growth and strengthen masculinity, including becoming an alpha male, healthily and constructively.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, the idea of the alpha male has been around for centuries, but its definition and application have evolved.

While there are still some who believe in the traditional image of a physically dominant, hyper-masculine man, there is growing recognition that this image can be harmful and outdated.

We now understand that alpha male behavior can take many forms, encompassing traits such as emotional intelligence, empathy, and sensitivity.

Furthermore, while the concept of the alpha male has certainly had an impact on society, this impact has been both positive and negative.

The alpha male stereotype can inspire individuals to strive for success and leadership, but it can also perpetuate harmful gender norms and reinforce systemic inequalities.

Ultimately, the concept of the alpha male is a complex one, and it will likely continue to evolve as societal norms continue to shift.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Alpha Male?

An alpha male is a dominant, assertive, confident, and successful man who is often seen as a leader among his peers.

What are some alpha male characteristics?

Some characteristics commonly associated with alpha males include confidence, assertiveness, leadership, physical strength, emotional control, and a strong sense of purpose.

Can you become an Alpha Male?

Yes, gaining the qualities of dominance, confidence, and assertiveness can help you become an Alpha Male. Still, it is important to note that these qualities must be displayed healthily without causing harm to others.

Is the alpha male philosophy harmful?

Many people believe that the Alpha Male philosophy is harmful because it often promotes toxic masculinity, sexism, and disregard for emotions.

How to identify an Alpha Male?

They are often charismatic, confident, and assertive, and may display dominant behavior in social, professional, or romantic settings.

Are Alpha Males successful in relationships?

They can be successful in relationships depending on the values, mentality, and emotional intelligence they possess.

Are there female Alpha Males?

The concept of alpha males is generally associated with men, but some women can exhibit similar characteristics and behaviors.

However, it is essential to note that the term “Alpha Female” is not commonly used as it can also promote toxic gender stereotypes.

How do you become an alpha male?

Becoming one is a controversial topic, and there are various opinions on how to become one.

Some people believe that dominant males are born with certain traits, while others believe that anyone can develop these traits with practice and effort.

Traits associated with alpha males cut across confidence, assertiveness, leadership, and physical strength.

Are all successful men alpha males?

Not all successful men are alpha males, and not all alpha males are successful.

While some people believe that alpha male traits can lead to success, many different factors contribute to success, including intelligence, hard work, and opportunity.

Is the concept of alpha male outdated?

The concept is a controversial one, and opinions vary widely on whether it is outdated or not.

Some people argue that the concept is based on outdated views of masculinity and gender roles, while others believe that it still has relevance in modern society.

Are alpha males always admired or respected?

No, not necessarily. Some people may view alpha males as overly aggressive or domineering, and may not admire or respect them.

The key is to exhibit positive leadership traits without being overly dominant or aggressive.


How to Be a Respectable Alpha Male

The Problems With The Rising Online Alpha Males

pyomerez@gmail.com | Website | + posts

Pyo Merez (PsyD) is a distinguished adolescent and adult psychologist at the forefront of mental health advocacy.

With expertise in cognitive and developmental psychology, focusing on social relationships, cultural contexts, and individual differences, Pyo has dedicated his career to empowering adolescents and adults.

As a sought-after speaker and panelist, Pyo shares invaluable insights on issues affecting young people, contributing to a deeper understanding of mental health and well-being in today's society.