Personal Power: How To Unleash Your Inner Strength

Last updated on December 19th, 2023 at 04:46 am

Welcome to a journey of self-discovery and self-power! In a world filled with endless possibilities, personal power is the path to unleashing your inner strength.

Discover the inherent force within you, capable of influencing others irrespective of status or authority.

This self-power relies on personal development, manifesting through confidence, self-awareness, resilience, and curiosity.

Unveil your potential through self-discovery, embracing strengths, and overcoming limiting beliefs. This expedition emphasizes self-confidence, a growth mindset, and resilience as foundations.

Equipped with practical tools, navigate toward personal transformation, uniting personal power with authenticity for a purposeful and fulfilling life.

Personal Power Definition

“Personal power is not about being fearless, but rather about facing your fears and taking action despite them.”

– Oprah Winfrey

It is the inner ability to shape life according to values and objectives. It positively influences oneself and surroundings, not by control but by responsibility.

It involves self-awareness, confidence, and perseverance. Developed through practices like mindfulness, it leads to fulfilling lives and impactful contributions. It’s within everyone, a wellspring of potential for meaningful living and transformative action.

Difference between Internal and External Powers

Individuals possess external and internal sources of power to drive their societal goals. External power, like wealth or status, hinges on external factors, transient and changeable.

Internal power, rooted in self-awareness and confidence, stems from personal values and is enduring. It’s the control over thoughts, emotions, and actions for desired outcomes.

The difference lies in dependence – external on circumstances and internal on personal factors. Combining both sources maximizes effectiveness.

A lady in the workplace showing the importance of personal power

The Two Types of Personal Power

There are mainly two types of personal powers. Just as described above, these powers mainly depend on the inner strengths of an individual.

It is drawn from the personal traits and characteristics that make up a person’s personality which drives his way of approaching situations and people.

Referent Power: Referent power is a type of power that is based on an individual’s personal qualities, such as charisma, personality, and reputation.

It is the power that comes from being respected, admired, and liked by others. Referent power is often associated with individuals who are seen as role models, mentors, or leaders.

Individuals who possess referent power are often able to influence others through their words, actions, and behaviors.

They are seen as trustworthy, credible, and authentic, and others are more likely to follow their lead or adopt their ideas.

See a dedicated article on referent power.

Expert Power: Expert power is a type of power that is based on an individual’s knowledge, skills, and expertise in a particular area.

It is the power that comes from being recognized as an expert or authority in a specific field or subject matter.

Expert power is often associated with individuals who have advanced degrees, certifications, or extensive experience in a particular area.

Individuals who possess expert power are often able to influence others through their expertise and credibility.

They are seen as knowledgeable, competent, and trustworthy, and others are more likely to follow their lead or adopt their ideas.

See more on the power of experts.

Qualities of People with Personal Power

People with this type of power possess several key qualities that enable them to achieve their goals, overcome obstacles, and make a positive impact on the world.

Some of these qualities include:

  • Self-awareness: People with self-power have a deep understanding of themselves, their values, and their goals. They are aware of their strengths and weaknesses and are able to use this knowledge to make better decisions.
  • Confidence: People who have mastery over their power are confident in their abilities and are not afraid to take risks or pursue their goals. They believe in themselves and their potential to achieve great things.
  • Resilience: Having this power will enable you to bounce back from setbacks and failures. They view challenges as opportunities for growth and are able to learn from their experiences.
  • Empathy: People who have cultivated their self-power are able to connect with others and understand their perspectives. They are able to build strong relationships and inspire others to achieve their goals.
  • Supporting Others without Validation: This power can enable and support others without the need for reward or acknowledgment.
  • Quiet Leadership: Self-power can show leadership skills without being at the front and still impact the people.

Benefits of Embracing Personal and Self-power

Developing your personal strength can put you in a position of advantage and you are emotionally strong to face any situation.

You also enjoy good mental health and can help others cultivate their individual powers too.

Here are the benefits of cultivating and embracing your personal power:

  • Increased Self-awareness: Embracing self-power involves taking responsibility for one’s own life and making choices that align with one’s values and goals. This process requires self-reflection and self-awareness, which can lead to greater clarity and understanding of oneself.
  • Greater Self-confidence: Self-power involves developing a strong sense of self-confidence and self-esteem. By taking control of one’s life and making positive changes, individuals can build their self-confidence and feel more empowered.
  • Improved Decision-making: Embracing this power involves making choices that align with one’s values and goals. This process can lead to improved decision-making skills and greater clarity in decision-making.
  • Increased Resilience: Individual power involves developing the ability to bounce back from setbacks and failures. This resilience can help individuals to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.
  • Greater Sense of Purpose: Embracing individual power involves taking ownership of one’s life and making positive changes. This process can lead to a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment in life.
  • Improved Relationships: Individual power involves developing strong communication and interpersonal skills. This can lead to improved relationships with others and greater success in personal and professional relationships.
  • Increased Success: Embracing personal power can lead to greater success in all areas of life, including personal, professional, and financial success.

Building Personal Power and Identifying Your Inner Strengths

Do you sometimes feel like you’re falling short and not living up to your full potential?

And you think there’s something holding you back from achieving your goals and living the life you want? If so, you’re not alone.

Many people struggle to identify their inner strength and unleash their true potential even when they put in extra effort.

Here are some tips on identifying your inner strengths:

1. Know yourself and what you Stand for: Individual power grows through self-awareness. Understanding values, beliefs, and goals empowers decision-making. Confidence and resilience follow, aiding challenges. Reflect, journal, seek feedback, and align with core values for strong power.

Related: The Use and Abuse of Coercive Power: A Close Look

2. Believe in yourself: Believing in oneself strengthens personal power. Self-confidence and self-efficacy fuel risk-taking and goal achievement. Positive self-talk, visualization, and skill development enhance belief. Embracing failure as learning fosters resilience. Confidence in learning from mistakes underpins the growth of self-power.

3. Learn to let go: Building self-power through letting go entails releasing negativity hindering progress. This cultivates focus, decision-making, and growth. Mindfulness practices, forgiveness, and a growth mindset aid this journey. Embracing challenges as avenues for growth is key.

Related: Reward Power: The Art of Using Rewards for Motivation

4. Self-reflection and introspection: Start building inner strength through self-reflection. Analyze past experiences, ask what you’ve learned, and identify improvement areas. Delve into thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to uncover patterns that hinder growth. Embrace discomfort for self-discovery and personal development on this introspective journey.

5. Introspection: Introspection involves observing thoughts and emotions in the present, aiding self-understanding. Combine with self-reflection for inner strength discovery. Identify limitations and talents, leveraging them for goals. These practices unveil your potential for self-discovery and growth.

Related: Understanding the Complexities of Interpersonal Relationships

6. Self-awareness: Self-awareness is pivotal for personal growth and social adeptness. Recognize strengths, weaknesses, and improvement areas. It empowers understanding of oneself, thoughts, and behaviours, influencing interactions and decisions.

7. Resilience: Resilience, rebounding from setbacks, underscores inner strength. It’s a stoic, emotion-resistant attribute, bolstering against adversity. Everyone faces challenges; responses shape resilience.

8. Determination: Determination is vital for unveiling inner strength. Despite encountering challenging goals, staying focused and working hard is essential. It requires purpose, self-discipline, and motivation through difficulties. Determination bolsters self-confidence and personal power, enabling goal achievement and desired life fulfillment.

Related: Developing Positional Power For Organizational Impact

9. Insatiable curiosity: Insatiable curiosity drives exploration and learning. Openness to new experiences, asking questions, and challenging beliefs cultivate it. This curiosity enhances creativity, risk-taking, and personal growth. Embrace it for a journey of self-discovery, skill enhancement, and unlocking personal power.

10. Creativity: Creativity propels innovation and problem-solving. Thinking beyond norms, taking risks, and challenging assumptions foster it. This mindset revolutionizes challenges and cultivates imaginative approaches, revealing inner strength and self-power. Creativity unlocks potential across life domains, facilitating self-expression through various mediums like art, music, or writing.

Related: Related: The Ethics Of Social Power: Using Your Influence Responsibly

Self-reflection Exercises to Identify Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

Self-reflection exercises can be a powerful tool for identifying your personal strengths and weaknesses.

Here are some exercises you can try:

  • Make a List of Your Accomplishments: Take some time to reflect on your past accomplishments, both big and small. Write them down and think about what skills and strengths you used to achieve them.
  • Identify your Values: Think about what’s important to you in life. What values do you hold dear? By identifying your values, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your motivations.
  • Ask for Feedback: Ask friends, family members, or colleagues for feedback on your strengths and weaknesses. This can help you gain a different perspective on yourself and identify areas for improvement.
  • Take a Personality Test: There are many different personality tests available online that can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. Some popular tests include the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the big five traits of personality.
  • Journaling: Take some time each day to reflect on your thoughts and feelings. Write down your successes and challenges, and think about what you learned from each experience.
  • Identify your Triggers: Think about situations that trigger negative emotions or behaviours in you. By identifying your triggers, you can develop strategies for managing them and improving your emotional well-being.
  • Practice Mindfulness: Take some time each day to practice mindfulness, which involves being present in the moment and observing your thoughts and feelings without judgment. This can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your emotions. More on the practice of mindfulness.

Developing a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is a belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through hard work, dedication, and perseverance.

People with a growth mindset believe that they can learn, grow and improve their skills and abilities, even if they face challenges or setbacks.

The concept of a growth mindset is closely related to personal power, as it emphasizes the fact that individuals have control over their own growth and development.

With a growth mindset, individuals are more likely to take on challenges and overcome obstacles, as they believe they can learn from their mistakes and setbacks.

Having a growth mindset also encourages individuals to take responsibility for their own learning and development, which can lead to higher levels of personal power.

By adopting a growth mindset, individuals are empowered to take action and make positive changes in their lives, which can lead to greater success and satisfaction in all aspects of life.

Taking Action to Cultivate Self-power

Personal power is not simply a concept or a state of mind; it is a force that can be harnessed and cultivated through action.

While understanding and introspection are valuable, it is the deliberate steps we take towards our goals that truly actualize personal power.

1. Bridging the gap between intentions and results: Intentions alone cannot create change or empower us. The action bridges the gap between our desires and their tangible manifestation. By taking deliberate and consistent action, we transform our aspirations into reality. Your self-power lies dormant until you bring it to life through purposeful action.

2. Overcoming fear and procrastination: Fear and procrastination can be major obstacles to self-power. Taking action is an antidote to these barriers. By facing your fears and stepping out of your comfort zone, you gradually expand your limitations and develop resilience. Procrastination loses its grip when you take that first step, breaking the cycle of inaction and unlocking your personal strength.

3. Learning and adaptation: Action is a powerful teacher. It provides feedback, exposes us to new experiences, and allows us to learn and grow. Through action, we gain valuable insights, refine our strategies, and adapt to changing circumstances. The more actions we take, the more we refine our approach, making us more effective and influential.

4. Creating Momentum: Action creates momentum and propels you forward. By consistently taking steps towards your goals, you build a sense of progress and achievement. Each action builds upon the previous one, compounding your personal strength over time. Momentum becomes a driving force, motivating you to continue taking action and unlocking new possibilities.

5. Inspiring and influencing others: You inspire those around you and look up to you when you take action. Your determination, resilience, and ability to effect change become a catalyst for others to do the same. By modeling self-power through action, you create a ripple effect, influencing and empowering those in your sphere of influence.

6. Seizing opportunities and creating change: Personal strength is not just about personal growth; it also involves making a positive impact on the world. By taking action, you seize opportunities and create change in your life and the lives of others. You become an active participant in shaping your destiny and contributing to the greater good, amplifying your self-power in the process.

Maintaining Personal Power

Personal competence is a precious asset that requires ongoing care and cultivation.

It is the wellspring of inner strength, resilience, and influence that enables us to navigate life’s challenges and live authentically.

In this section of this article, we will explore effective strategies for maintaining and nurturing self-power to ensure its vitality and longevity.

Some of these tips overlap with the other strategies discussed above. The key is finding balance:

1. Self-care and well-being: Maintaining this power starts with prioritizing self-care and well-being.

Attend to your physical, mental, and emotional needs by engaging in activities that promote balance, relaxation, and rejuvenation. Regular exercise, healthy eating, quality sleep, and mindfulness practices contribute to your overall well-being, keeping your personal power intact.

2. Boundaries and assertiveness: Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries is essential for preserving self-power. Clearly define what is acceptable and unacceptable to you, and communicate your boundaries assertively yet respectfully. Saying “no” when necessary and honoring your limits prevents others from draining your energy and infringing upon your personal power.

3. Reflection and self-reflection: Take time for reflection and self-reflection to stay connected to your power. Regularly evaluate your values, goals, and progress. Reflect on your experiences and lessons learned. Engage in self-reflection practices such as journaling or meditation to gain insights and maintain alignment with your authentic self.

4. Surround yourself with supportive relationships: Nurturing individual power involves surrounding yourself with supportive relationships. Seek out individuals who uplift and inspire you, who share your values, and who encourage your growth. Promote connections with those who respect your personal strength and provide a safe space for you to express yourself authentically.

5. Continual learning and growth: Never stop learning and growing to maintain personal competence. Seek out new knowledge, explore different perspectives, and challenge yourself intellectually. Embrace a growth mindset that welcomes opportunities for personal development. By expanding your knowledge and skills, you enhance your personal strength and adaptability.

6. Manage stress and overwhelm: Stress and overwhelm can deplete the power if left unchecked. Develop effective stress management techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy. Prioritize tasks, delegate when possible, and practice time management to avoid becoming overwhelmed and preserve your personal strength.

7. Embrace flexibility and adaptability: Maintaining self-power requires embracing flexibility and adaptability in the face of change. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and your ability to adjust and adapt ensures that your self-power remains resilient. Cultivate an open mind, embrace new challenges, and see change as an opportunity for growth rather than a threat.

8. Celebrate and acknowledge achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Recognize your progress, milestones, and personal growth along the way. Celebrating your successes reinforces your self-power, boosts self-confidence, and motivates you to continue taking action towards your goals.


Personal power is a force that resides within each and every one of us. It is the ability to tap into our inner strength and use it to achieve our goals, overcome obstacles, and live a fulfilling life.

By unleashing our personal power, we can transform our lives and the world around us. To unleash your inner strength, you must first believe in yourself and your abilities.

You must be willing to take risks, step out of your comfort zone, and embrace change. You must also cultivate a positive mindset, surround yourself with supportive people, and practice self-care.

Remember, self-power is not about dominating others or seeking control. It is about being true to yourself, living with purpose, and making a positive impact on the world.

So, go ahead and unleash your inner strength. You have the power within you to achieve greatness and make a difference.


  1. Brian Tracy: Personal Power: The Superpower Of Leadership
  2. Fingerprint For Success: Personal Power: How to Make Your Mark (without selling your soul)
  3. Forbes: 10 Steps To Own Your Personal Power
  4. People Builders: Personal Power: The Superpower of An Exceptional Leader
  5. Lifehack: How to Access Your Personal Power to Create Success | Website | + posts

Pyo Merez (PsyD) is a distinguished adolescent and adult psychologist at the forefront of mental health advocacy.

With expertise in cognitive and developmental psychology, focusing on social relationships, cultural contexts, and individual differences, Pyo has dedicated his career to empowering adolescents and adults.

As a sought-after speaker and panelist, Pyo shares invaluable insights on issues affecting young people, contributing to a deeper understanding of mental health and well-being in today's society.