When To Walk Away After Infidelity By Your Partner

Last updated on July 14th, 2024 at 06:24 pm

Discover the signs that indicate when to walk away after infidelity. Understand the impact, how trust is shattered, and when forgiving becomes impossible.

Infidelity or cheating in relationships and marriages is widespread and no one wishes to be a victim because of the emotional burden that accompanies it.

It practically renders a person, both men and women almost miserable for days and can take a toll on the person’s mental health and overall performance.

What is infidelity and how does it wield so much power to crumble even people we perceive as emotionally fortified?

This post will dissect infidelity inside and out and at the end give reasons why one might decide when to walk away after infidelity.

Read how to listen to your intuition in relationships to make better decisions.

Table of Contents

What is Infidelity?

A cheated partner unhappy, ruminating on when to walk away after infidelity by partner

Infidelity is any action that violates agreements or promises of relationships. It’s the act of being unfaithful to a partner, especially in romantic or sexual relations with another person who is not a partner.

Every case of infidelity is different as it serves a particular individual need. But whatever reason why cheating takes place does not lessen the effect it has on the victim.

Before you continue reading, check out this video by Marriage Helper on dependable ways to help you decide when to walk away after infidelity or even take a break in your relationship.

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Signs of Infidelity in Relationships

How can you tell if your partner is cheating on you, and what warning signs should you watch out for? Most infidelities don’t take long to notice as there would be clues here and there for your gut feeling to pick it up.

Understanding the signs of infidelity is crucial for maintaining a healthy and trusting relationship and know when to walk away if your partner cheats.

There are several aspects to consider when trying to identify potential signs of infidelity as you will see below:

1. Behavioural Changes and Red Flags Observable after Infidelity

One of the first indicators of infidelity is a notable change in the partner’s behaviour.

This may include sudden secrecy regarding their personal life, increased defensiveness, and a decrease in intimacy and affection within the relationship.

Other behavioural changes can include unexplained absences, unavailability, or excessive time spent on devices or social media.

A sudden change in appearance, such as a desire to dress differently or improve physical fitness, can also be a red flag.

It is important to note that these behavioural changes alone do not definitively prove infidelity, but they may warrant further investigation or communication within the relationship.

2. Emotional Toll on the Betrayed Partner

Infidelity can have a devastating impact on the betrayed partner’s emotions and overall well-being.

Feelings of betrayal, anger, sadness, and low self-esteem are common emotional reactions.

The betrayed partner may experience difficulty trusting their partner again and struggle to understand why the infidelity occurred.

It is important for the couple to engage in honest and open communication to address these emotions and find ways to heal and rebuild trust.

3. Seeking Clarity: Recognizing the Unspoken Signs

Not all signs of infidelity are explicit or easily noticeable. Sometimes, unspoken signs can indicate a partner’s infidelity.

These signs can include a lack of interest in shared activities, sudden changes in sexual behaviour or disinterest in intimacy, frequent mood swings, or unexplained expenses. These subtle signs may require careful observation and thoughtful conversations with the partner to gain clarity on the situation.

Other Signs of Infidelity

New hobbies: If your husband or boyfriend’s work routine or hours change and probably begin to work longer hours, you should be alert. He would begin to attend more meetings, stay late without being worried, and seem to have more work to do.

They select defenses: Does your partner yell at you for things that are relatively little or even unreasonable lately? They can simply be making you seem to be the aggressor in other to allay their own feelings of guilt. Cheaters frequently experience intense guilt.

They removed traces of their partner from social media: Some people no longer add their marital status on Facebook. However, it’s still very simple to determine if someone is married. When a partner deletes photos that should indicate they are in a relationship, that’s a good sign they are cheating.

They are apprehensive when their partner handles their phone: I am not in the school of thought that supports a partner to stay away from their partner’s phone. It is weird to me that a partner would actually keep his phone away from his spouse or partner.

They don’t take certain calls when they are with their partner: When a partner begins to avoid calls in the presence of their partner, that’s a clear sign they are having an affair. Cheats always have techniques to avoid calls from their cheating partners when they are at home. I know of a guy who would silence his phone and always had it facing down when home. This way, the phone won’t attract attention when a call comes in and he would always return innocent calls later.

Causes of Infidelity

New couple in love, oblivious of the causes of infidelity

One of the most frequent reasons for cheating, according to experts, is feeling emotionally distant from a partner.

35%of women and 45% percent of men, according to studies from the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, have had emotional affairs outside of their primary relationships.

The adulterer laments a lack of appreciation, love, attention, and general misery or sense of insecurity, which motivates them to cheat on their relationship.

There have been instances where adultery was caused just by the thrill of doing something covert and partaking of the forbidden fruit. There are many reasons for infidelity, and every one is unique.

Here are some obvious causes of infidelity in relationships:

Too much use of the internet: One of the main channels for cheating is now the internet. The Internet has made it so simple to connect with individuals and establish relationships. Social media and smartphones are making people lie more and making it easier to start secret relationships.

Loneliness and boredom: Boredom and loneliness are other reasons why people cheat. One of the reasons for being in a relationship or marriage is companionship. When there is no companionship in a relationship, it opens a window for a third party to fill up the void.

Feeling of unwantedness: A lot of people feel unwanted in their relationships because the other party has lost interest because of whatever reasons. They might decide to find love elsewhere where they are appreciated because they believe their partner is no longer interested in them.

Long-distance relationships: Even though distance is irrelevant in pure love, long-term separation is one of the leading factors in infidelity. Couples are frequently compelled by the demands of their jobs to maintain their distance from one another.

Revenge: There are people who believe in tit for tat. A partner could decide to avenge a cheating partner by also going out to cheat. This usually happens when there are already underlying relationship issues or when the other partner is a serial cheater and nobody wants to leave.

Issues relating to aging and body image: After being married or committing to a relationship, people stop chasing their spouses. Since the “chase” or “honeymoon” phase is very brief, it is simple to take each other for granted as time goes on.

Unmet sexual expectations: One of the most obvious reasons for adultery is unfulfilled sexual desires. According to a study in The Normal Bar, only 17% of persons who reported being sexually pleased in their primary relationships and 52% of those who reported being unsatisfied with their sex lives were more likely to succumb to outside attraction.

Related: Why You Are Being Exploited in A Romantic Relationship

When to take a walk after infidelity - video
Causes of Infidelity | Regretting Cheating | Unfaithfulness – Credit: RomanyMalco

Types of Infidelity

When infidelity occurs in a relationship, it usually falls under one of these categories or types:

1. Emotional Infidelity/Emotional Cheating

This is the type of cheating that happens on an emotional level and can have as many consequences as physical infidelity.

Having a crush on someone else falls under this category. Sometimes it might not just be the ordinary crush everybody knows; it might go deep that the person seeks physical contact.

2. Financial Infidelity

Many relationships can become strained over money. If it gets to the extent of financial infidelity, one partner may lie about their income, their sources of income, their debt, and their spending or borrowing habits.

Even if their partner is unaware of it, they can have money stashed away in cash or other bank accounts.

3. Opportunistic Infidelity

When someone is in love and emotionally attached to their partner, yet gives in to their sexual desire for someone else, this is called opportunistic adultery.

This kind of cheating is frequently motivated by chance or environmental factors, risk-taking behavior, and drug or alcohol usage.

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4. Obligatory Infidelity

This kind of infidelity is motivated by the worry that rejecting someone’s sexual advances will lead to rejection or loss of goodwill or benefits from the person.

People in this category may have a good relationship with their partners but the need for approval will lead them to cheat on their partners.

5. Romantic Infidelity

There are partners who are just out to have affairs outside because it’s a hobby.

Despite their dedication to their marriage or relationship and desire to make it work, they yearn for a passionate, loving relationship with another person.

They will probably never leave their spouse because of their devotion to the union.

6. Social Media Infidelity/Virtual Infidelity

People can now more easily participate in online communications, chats, forums, or groups that contain sexual content thanks to social media.

In addition to watching erotic content, such as pornography, there are other forms of cyber infidelity.

7. Sexual Infidelity

As the name suggests, this has to do with having a sexual relationship outside one’s relationship or marriage.

This is the most hurtful of the infidelity types and cuts deeper than can be imagined.

Most people don’t forgive this kind of cheating and if they do, the hurt is always tucked away somewhere in their hearts.

Falling out of Love after Infidelity

A lady removes her marital ring after infidelity by her partner

Being hurt in a relationship and getting through such a trying moment takes a lot of work and effort to forgive.

It’s also possible that you’re losing interest in someone following an affair, which is a very natural feeling to experience.

Some relationships can never be repaired after infidelity as cheating could be the dealbreaker for some people in any relationship.

One might pretend to still forgive or remain in love, but deep down, the bond has been severed and no amount of goodwill or deed will bring things back to normal.

However, remaining together doesn’t make sense if you and your spouse are no longer in love.

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The Pain of Cheating Never Goes Away

No matter how a victim of infidelity is pacified, the pain never goes away. Not anytime soon.

It’s a form of heartbreak that cuts deep into the hearts of victims. It would take a shorter time to recover after infidelity if the partners separated than when they are together.

For a man, he would look foolish and used to staying in a relationship where he was cheated on.

This is because men are egoistic and would rather make a harsher decision than still be loyal to a partner that cheated.

For the woman, she might stay back and count on time to heal.

Evaluating the Relationship Post-Infidelity

Rebuilding Trust after Infidelity: Is It Possible?

After experiencing infidelity in a relationship, one important aspect of evaluating the relationship is to consider whether it is possible to rebuild trust.

Infidelity often shatters trust and can leave a deep emotional impact on those involved.

Rebuilding trust requires open and honest communication, transparency, and consistent commitment from both partners.

It involves acknowledging the betrayal, understanding the underlying issues that led to the infidelity, and working towards a shared commitment to rebuild the trustworthiness of the relationship.

Evaluation in this context includes assessing whether both partners are willing to put in the effort, whether the person who committed the infidelity is willing to take responsibility for their actions, and whether both partners can envision a future where trust is restored.

Self-reflection: Assessing Personal Boundaries and Needs

Infidelity can often reveal underlying issues within a relationship. Therefore, it is important to engage in self-reflection and assess personal boundaries and needs when evaluating the relationship post-infidelity.

Self-reflection involves introspection to understand your feelings, desires, and limits.

It is crucial to evaluate whether there were any previous issues that may have contributed to the infidelity, such as lack of emotional connection, unmet needs, or communication problems.

Assessing personal boundaries and needs helps you understand your own limits and what you require from a healthy and trusting relationship.

Self-reflection and boundary assessment enable you to recognize if your needs are being met and whether you can effectively work towards reconciling the relationship.

Seeking Professional Guidance: Therapy and Counseling

Another important aspect of evaluating the relationship post-infidelity is seeking professional guidance through therapy and counseling.

Infidelity can cause significant emotional distress and may require external support to address the complex dynamics that arise from such a breach of trust.

Therapy and counseling provide a safe space for both partners to openly express their feelings, concerns, and grievances with the assistance of a trained professional.

It can help couples navigate the difficult process of healing and rebuilding trust, providing them with tools and strategies to address communication issues, establish healthier relationship patterns, and work through any unresolved emotions.

Seeking professional guidance allows for neutral and objective perspectives to be introduced into the evaluation process, aiding in better decision-making for both partners.

Related: How To Build Emotional Intimacy In Your Marriage

Infidelity Healing

A couple looking confused after infidelity, healing seems the next stage

After infidelity, healing happens gradually. It is unquestionably not an immediate, or simple process. You already know this, if you found out your partner was having an affair.

And you’re probably flitting back and forth between denial, unspeakable despair, mostly expressible and often fury, and uncontrollable rage.

It’s a precarious situation, but you can snap out of it if you still have some love retained for your partner.

How to Get over Infidelity Pain

Remember that even if you may read books on the subject, it may be wiser to trust a therapist rather than a book.

However, for the most useful information, look for books or articles published by psychologists or well-known relationship specialists if you decide to read up on the issue.

The primary objective of the stages of cheating recovery is to progress toward forgiveness.

However, forgiveness does not guarantee that the marriage will survive. It’s possible to forgive both your spouse and yourself.

When possible, it’s crucial to complete each level. Below are the stages of healing from an affair.

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Stages of Recovery From Infidelity

Here are the stages you can go through to recover from a cheating situation with a partner:

The discovery stage: The discovery stage of infidelity is emotionally intense, marked by anger, despair, and frustration. It’s not the time for hasty decisions. Victims may have sensed relationship anxiety but were unprepared for the emotional turmoil post-discovery.

The grieving stage: Infidelity can indeed have a significant impact on relationships, and many couples struggle to overcome its effects. It often requires extensive effort, understanding, and support to navigate the complexities that arise from such a breach of trust.

The acceptance stage: Recovering from infidelity can be a lengthy process, often taking years. It’s crucial for the betrayed partner to allow themselves time to heal and not rush the recovery. Acceptance and readiness for the next stage come after processing emotions and making deliberate decisions.

Reconnection stage: After recovery, the reconnection stage signifies a fresh start for partners choosing to rebuild their relationship. This phase can lead to a stronger, improved bond, particularly if the infidelity was a result of neglect or lack of attention.

Here is another video from Affair Recovery on moving forward after infidelity:

Moving forward after infidelity - video
Moving Forward after Infidelity: Do’s and Don’ts – Credit: Affair Recovery

Virtual Infidelity a Ground for Divorce

In recent times, we have seen the quick rise of the smartphone and social media and how it has enhanced life making everything easy for humans including, business, adverts, meetings, and even have become the workplace.

It didn’t come without a flip side that hurts so bad though. It is a perfect tool for people to cheat comfortably.

Virtual dating has been on the rise and people arrange to see after many days, weeks, months, or years of chatting and relating virtually.

Statistics show that more people both men are women are cheating with ease on their phones.

Over 60% of divorce filings featured one spouse having an online affair, according to a recent study of 4000 adults.

In many of these situations, the internet relationship was not detected for months or even years after it began. These more figures demonstrate:

  • In contrast to their partners, 80% of males and 60% of women admitted to using sexting.
  • Of those, 66% were engaged in stable relationships.
  • In contrast to their partners, 50% of women and 80% of men acknowledged having sexual fantasies about other people.
  • 40% of women and 80% of men admitted to flirting with people other than their relationships online.
  • 60% of those individuals were in stable relationships.

Related: Navigating The Dynamics Of Relationships Between Partners

Knowing When to Walk Away after Infidelity

Knowing when to walk away after infidelity is a complex decision that involves recognizing unhealthy patterns and repeated betrayals, setting boundaries for oneself, and carefully weighing the pros and cons of staying in the relationship.

Recognizing Unhealthy Patterns and Repeated Betrayals

One of the first steps in knowing when to walk away after infidelity is to recognize any unhealthy patterns and repeated betrayals that have occurred.

Infidelity itself is a breach of trust and can be highly damaging to a relationship. However, if the partner who has betrayed your trust continues to engage in infidelity or displays other negative patterns such as lying, manipulation, or disregard for your feelings, it may indicate a lack of respect and willingness to change.

Recognizing these patterns of repeated betrayal can help you determine if staying in the relationship is emotionally and mentally healthy for you.

Setting Boundaries: Prioritizing Self-Care and Emotional Well-Being

When deciding when to walk away after infidelity, it is crucial to prioritize self-care and emotional well-being by setting boundaries.

These boundaries may involve establishing clear expectations for your partner’s behaviour, seeking professional help such as individual therapy or couples counseling, or taking time apart to reflect and heal.

Setting boundaries allows you to protect your own emotional health and ensures that you are not enabling or tolerating ongoing betrayal.

It also communicates to your partner that you have standards for acceptable behavior and expect them to be met.

The Decision-making Process: Weighing Pros and Cons

Deciding when to walk away after infidelity requires careful consideration and the weighing of pros and cons.

It is important to evaluate the overall health and happiness of the relationship, reflecting on the impact the infidelity has had on trust, intimacy, and communication.

Consider the efforts made by both partners to rebuild trust and heal from the infidelity.

Assess whether the relationship is salvageable and if both parties are truly committed to the necessary work and change.

Additionally, weigh the potential negatives of leaving, such as the emotional upheaval, potential financial implications, and impact on any children involved.

Ultimately, the decision should be based on what will lead to your long-term happiness and well-being.

When to leave your partner after being cheated on
Infidelity – 5 Dependable Ways To Help You Decide When To Walk Away – Credit: Marriage Helper

Signs it’s Time to Walk Away

Most times, people get back to normal together after a partner has an affair whereas other times, the affair might give the other partner a reason to reconsider the relationship.

Some signs would show that a partner is not needed anymore or should not consider staying back in the relationship.

Here they are:

They are chronic liars: Consider whether you want to remain in a relationship if your partner persists in dishonesty, particularly after infidelity. Repeated cheating can be emotionally taxing, and staying may lead to enduring the same pain.

When there is no intimacy anymore: Just as described above, there are couples who go numb after their partner cheats on them. They lose feelings that might never return. Instead of punishing the other partner, it would be time to leave and make things easy for everyone.

When you are in the union because of children: When there are children, it might be difficult to decide when to end a marriage after an affair. You are apprehensive how the children will fare in the absence of one of the parents. But sometimes, it’s better to leave the marriage or relationship if you can’t bear the emotional burden and your gut feeling tells you so.

When your partner is aloof: When a partner is aloof and leaves all the emotional work for one person after infidelity is a bad sign. No human should leave his or her life trying to expect reciprocity from another in a relationship. There should be mutual interest and effort in getting back together. When one partner is not showing interest, it’s time for the other partner to make the hard decision.

When domestic violence begins to creep in: A lot of relationships are characterized by abuse and domestic violence when one party is fade up with the relationship. Any complaint or position the partner takes that does not sit well might culminate into toxic behaviour, including violence.

Navigating the aftermath of walking away after infidelity can be an emotionally challenging process.

It involves coping with grief and loss, seeking support from friends, family, and support groups, as well as embracing healing and self-discovery.

Coping with Grief and Loss

Acknowledging the Pain: It is important to acknowledge and accept the grief and loss that come with the betrayal of infidelity. Allow yourself to feel the pain and process the emotions associated with the experience.

Expressing Emotions: Find healthy ways to express your emotions. This can include talking to a trusted friend or therapist, journaling, or engaging in activities like exercising, painting, or dancing.

Self-care: Focus on self-care activities to help alleviate stress and boost your emotional well-being. Take care of your physical health by exercising, eating well, and getting enough sleep.

Acceptance and Forgiveness: Understand that healing takes time and that it is a personal journey unique to each individual. Work towards accepting the situation and forgiving yourself for any perceived shortcomings.

Seeking Support: Friends, Family, and Support Groups

Sharing with Trusted Individuals: Reach out to close friends and family members who can provide a listening ear and offer comfort and support. Share your feelings and experiences with those who are understanding and non-judgmental.

Professional Help: Consider seeking therapy or counseling to help navigate the aftermath of infidelity. A professional can provide guidance, offer perspective, and help you process your emotions effectively.

Join Support Groups: Joining support groups, either in person or online, can provide a sense of community and validation. Being surrounded by individuals who have gone through similar experiences can help you feel understood and supported.

Embracing Healing and Self-discovery

Reflect and Learn: Take time to reflect on the lessons learned from the experience. Understand what you want and need in future relationships and identify any patterns or issues that need to be addressed.

Self-Exploration: Engage in activities that promote self-discovery and personal growth. This can include pursuing hobbies, taking up new interests, or exploring spirituality.

Setting Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries for future relationships to protect yourself from similar situations. Learn how to communicate your needs and expectations to potential partners and surround yourself with individuals who respect those boundaries.

Building a Supportive Network: Establish healthy and positive relationships with people who uplift and support you. Surrounding yourself with a strong support system can aid in your healing process.

Moving Forward after Deciding When to Walk Away after Infidelity

Moving forward after deciding when to walk away after infidelity involves embracing growth and personal empowerment, rebuilding trust in future relationships, and finding closure and inner peace.

Embracing Growth and Personal Empowerment

After experiencing the pain of infidelity, individuals can focus on personal growth and empowerment.

This may involve self-reflection, setting new goals, and embracing opportunities for self-improvement.

By channeling the experience into personal development, individuals can emerge stronger and more resilient.

Rebuilding Trust in Future Relationships

Following the trauma of infidelity, rebuilding trust in future relationships is a significant challenge.

This process requires open communication, patience, and a willingness to be vulnerable.

Learning from past experiences and setting healthy boundaries can contribute to the gradual restoration of trust in new relationships.

Finding Closure and Inner Peace

Achieving closure and inner peace after infidelity involves acknowledging and processing emotions, seeking support from trusted individuals or professionals, and engaging in self-care practices.

This may include therapy, mindfulness activities, and finding healthy outlets for emotional expression.

By addressing unresolved feelings and finding peace within oneself, individuals can move forward with a renewed sense of emotional well-being.

When to Walk Away after Infidelity Christianity

In Christianity, the decision to know when to walk away after infidelity is deeply personal and complex.

While forgiveness and reconciliation are central tenets, the Bible also acknowledges the pain and betrayal caused by infidelity.

Christians are encouraged to seek guidance through prayer, reflection, and pastoral counseling.

Walking away may be considered when there is a pattern of unrepentant behaviour or when the betrayed individual’s emotional and spiritual well-being is at stake.

The decision aligns with the biblical principles of love, respect, and the sanctity of marriage.

Christians are called to seek God’s wisdom and discernment in navigating the aftermath of infidelity, understanding that grace, healing, and restoration can manifest in various forms, including the possibility of walking away for the sake of personal and spiritual wholeness.

When to Walk Away after Infidelity with a Love Child

Deciding when to walk away after infidelity involving a love child is a deeply challenging and personal decision.

It involves considering the well-being of all parties involved, including the betrayed partner, the love child, and any existing children.

Factors such as the level of honesty and remorse from the unfaithful partner, the potential impact on the family unit, and the emotional welfare of everyone must be carefully weighed.

Seeking guidance from a trusted counselor or spiritual advisor can provide valuable support in navigating this complex and emotionally charged situation.

Ultimately, the decision to walk away may be considered when the betrayal and its consequences have irreparably damaged the trust and stability of the relationship, and when the well-being of all individuals involved is best served by separation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you know if you should leave after infidelity?

Consider leaving if trust cannot be rebuilt, the cheating persists, or the relationship becomes toxic, impacting your well-being and happiness.

How do I stop obsessing after being cheated on?

Redirect your focus to self-care, seek professional help, set boundaries for intrusive thoughts, and engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment.

How long does it take to get over infidelity?

Recovery time varies, but it can take months to years. Healing involves processing emotions, rebuilding trust, and making deliberate decisions about the relationship’s future.

How do I find peace after being cheated on?

Seek support from loved ones, consider therapy, practice self-compassion, engage in activities that bring solace, and focus on personal growth and healing.


Any kind of cheating can have a devastating effect on a relationship if not handled well by both partners.

If a partner cheated on decides to leave, they are right. But some might consider staying for some reasons after weighing the odds.

The difficult though is to decide if leaving would be an option. This option depends on other factors which have to do with the cheating partner.

However, if you decide to leave your relationship as a result of cheating, don’t be ashamed of your choice, you are right.

With the above reasons, you can know when to walk away after infidelity.


  1. Digital Divorce: How Social Media Affects Marriage
  2. 4 Essential Stages of Healing After an Affair
  3. 6 Infidelity Recovery Stages And How To Facilitate Healing
  4. Falling Out Out Of Love After Infidelity
  5. 15 Most Common Causes of Infidelity in Relationships
  6. Different Types Of Infidelity
  7. 15 Most Common Causes of Infidelity in Relationships

Pious Clements is the insightful voice behind "The Conducts of Life" blog, where he writes about life ethics, self-development, life mastery, and the dynamics of people and society.

With a profound understanding of human behaviuor and societal dynamics, Pious offers thought-provoking perspectives on ethical living and personal growth.
Through engaging narratives and astute observations, he inspires readers to navigate life's complexities with wisdom and integrity, encouraging a deeper understanding of the human experience and our place within society.