8 Habits That Gradually Lead To Leadership Failure

Last updated on October 11th, 2024 at 01:54 pm

You have signed a pact with leadership failure if you continue to practise these 8 habits that will limit your capacity to lead.

Leadership must not only be in organizations and firms. When you have a subject whom you direct whether in the family or as a student leader, this article is for you.

Being a leader is a challenging and rewarding role needing a unique set of skills, but there are also behaviours you need to do away with.

These unhealthy habits can hinder a leader’s effectiveness and negatively impact your team.

In this straightforward article, we will look at some things that leaders should avoid or eliminate from their leadership style to become more effective and successful.

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Habits You Must Do Away with if You Must Be a God Leader

A leader who has lost control of his subjects

1. Micromanaging

Micromanaging is one of the most prevalent and destructive leadership habits that causes leadership failure.

Micromanagement is when you constantly ask employees for updates, second-guess them and interfere with their work.

This may result in a decreased willingness to trust based on reduced morale, and less productivity.

Instead, leaders must provide their employees with clear expectations and guidance where needed so they can take ownership of their work.

2. Avoiding Feedback

As a leader you have to be weary of leadership failure and lack of feedback or its avoidance is one of the habits that will kill your leadership capacity.

Feedback is necessary for growth and improvement both on individual and organizational levels.

Leaders who avoid giving or receiving feedback miss valuable opportunities to learn and develop.

It’s important for leaders to regularly seek feedback from their team members, superiors, and peers, and to welcome constructive criticism.

Leaders should also be willing to provide honest and timely feedback to their team members, focusing on areas for improvement and recognizing strengths and successes.

Related: The Four Types of Leadership

3. Poor Communication

Of course, lack of or poor communication is a foremost cause of leadership failure you must avoid.

Do away with poor communication if you want to be effective in your leadership role.

Whether in the family, in the classroom as a teacher, or a manager in an organization. Wherever you exercise a leadership role, you must express yourself with clarity.

Effective communication is a bedrock skill for leaders.

Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, confusion, and a lack of alignment within the team.

Leaders should strive to communicate, concisely, and consistently, using a variety of channels and methods to reach their team members.

He should also be a good listener, actively seeking to understand the perspectives and concerns of those under him.

Suggested: Why Best Leaders Rely on Intuition

4. Lack of Accountability

Leadership is synonymous with accountability. If you are not accountable as a leader, you have made a pact with leadership failure.

Leaders are responsible for setting the tone and expectations for their team.

When leaders fail to hold themselves and their team members accountable, it can lead to a lack of ownership, poor performance, and a breakdown in trust.

Leaders should hold themselves to the same standards they expect from their team members and be willing to take responsibility for their actions and decisions.

They should also hold their team members accountable for their work, providing support and guidance when needed, but also being willing to take corrective action when necessary.

Related: How to Be a Leader in a Relationship

5. Neglecting Professional Development

The neglect of professional development should be avoided by leaders or aspiring leaders to avoid leadership failure.

In the modern business environment, it’s essential for leaders to continuously learn and grow.

Leaders who neglect their own professional development may find themselves falling behind and struggling to keep up with the demands of their role.

Leaders should make time for learning and development, whether through formal training programs, mentoring relationships, or self-directed study.

They should also encourage and support the professional development of their team members, providing opportunities for growth and advancement.

6. Failing to Delegate

Another habit leaders should avoid is not delegating tasks. One of the hallmarks of an effective leader is the ability to delegate tasks and responsibilities to their team members.

Leaders who fail to delegate may find themselves overwhelmed and unable to focus on the strategic aspects of their role.

Delegating not only frees up time for leaders, but it also provides opportunities for team members to grow and develop their skills.

Leaders should identify the strengths and capabilities of their team members, and assign tasks and projects accordingly.

Related: What is Transformational Leadership?

7. Lack of Vision

If you are a leader, or you aspire to become one in whatever capacity. You must avoid leadership failure by doing away with a lack of vision.

Leaders are responsible for setting the direction and vision for their team, followers, kids or organization.

Without a clear and compelling vision, it can be difficult for team members or subjects to understand their purpose and align their efforts.

Leaders should take the time to develop a vision that is inspiring, achievable, and aligned with the interest of the organization’s values and goals.

As a leader, you should communicate this vision clearly and consistently, and work with your subordinates to develop strategies and plans for achieving it.

8. Ego

Leaders with inflated egos often become overconfident, ignoring feedback and warning signs.

They surround themselves with sycophants who reinforce their distorted self-perception.

This leads to poor decision-making, a lack of empathy, and unethical behavior. 

Ego-driven leaders struggle to admit mistakes, learn from failures, and sustain a collaborative environment.

An unchecked ego can blind leaders to their weaknesses, sabotage their success, and undermine the organization. 

Cultivating self-awareness, humility, and the ability to accept feedback are important for leaders to avoid leadership failure by an inflated ego.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Leadership Failure

What are the 7 habits that lead to leadership failure?

Micromanaging, poor communication, lack of accountability, resistance to change, ego-driven decision-making, lack of empathy, and burnout.

How can micromanaging contribute to leadership failure?

Micromanaging can lead to low morale, lack of autonomy for team members, hindered productivity, and a lack of trust within the team.

Why is decision-making based on ego a harmful habit for leaders?

Ego-driven decision-making can lead to tunnel vision, disregard for input from team members, and a lack of accountability for mistakes.

How can leaders avoid failure by adapting to change?

Adapting to change involves being open to new ideas, seeking feedback from others, and being willing to pivot strategies when necessary, in a rapidly changing environment.


Leadership failure is inevitable when you don’t have a clear purpose.

Being a leader is a challenging and rewarding role that requires a unique set of skills and qualities.

By avoiding the habits and behaviors outlined in this article, leaders can become more effective and successful in their roles.

Leadership is a journey of continuous learning and growth, and the most effective leaders are those who are willing to challenge themselves and their teams to be the best they can be.


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Pious Clements is the insightful voice behind "The Conducts of Life" blog, where he writes about life ethics, self-development, life mastery, and the dynamics of people and society.

With a profound understanding of human behaviuor and societal dynamics, Pious offers thought-provoking perspectives on ethical living and personal growth.
Through engaging narratives and astute observations, he inspires readers to navigate life's complexities with wisdom and integrity, encouraging a deeper understanding of the human experience and our place within society.