What Is An Abrasive Personality? Causes And Consequences

Last updated on February 1st, 2024 at 02:52 pm

Discover the causes and consequences of an abrasive personality and how it impacts relationships, workplace dynamics, and mental well-being.

There are many types of personalities we interact with in society, and being humans, we co-live and tolerate each other.

But an abrasive personality is the type you don’t want to have anything to do with.

As an introverted person who does not like loudness and likes to maintain my personal boundaries, I recognize abrasive people quickly and shake them off, then keep them at arm’s length.

They will mess your emotional space up well and blame you for it while demanding an apology. If you are not mentally strong, you will doubt your sanity.

In this article, we will discuss in detail, the abrasive personality – its prevalence, characteristics, factors that enhance it, and how to cope with them.

Watch this Video on Abrasive Personality (8mins 59sec)

The Abrasive Personality by Harry Lavinson – By Zainul Abedin

Table of Contents

Abrasive Personality Meaning

A harsh personality responding to someone

Abrasive personality is a term used to describe someone who displays aggressive, harsh, combative or hostile behaviour, which makes it hard for others to interact with them.

Such people are known for their harshness, rudeness, and insensitivity towards others, which can lead to regular conflicts and misunderstandings between them and those around them.

This type of behaviour can be exhibited in various settings, including the workplace, school, and social interactions, and can be a result of different factors as we are going to see.

Having this personality can be detrimental to your personal and professional relationships, as it can lead to isolation, negative criticism, and reduced productivity.

However, with therapy, counseling, and a willingness to change, you can work on improving your personality and learn better ways to interact with others.

Abrasive Personality Examples

Examples of abrasive personality
Someone who constantly interrupts and talks over others, showing no respect for their opinions or input.
A person who is always criticizing and nitpicking others, never acknowledging their accomplishments or showing any form of encouragement.
Someone who is harsh and cold in their communication style, often using sarcasm or belittling remarks towards others.
A person who is easily angered or frustrated, lashing out at others with insults or aggressive behavior.
Someone who is overly competitive and always needs to be right, disregarding others’ viewpoints and making them feel inferior.
A person who is consistently rude and dismissive of others, making derogatory remarks or treating them with contempt.
Someone who consistently behaves in a condescending manner, talking down to others and making them feel inferior.
A person who displays a lack of empathy and understanding towards others, not considering their feelings or emotions in interactions.
Someone who is overly demanding and controlling, expecting others to conform to their wishes without compromise.
A person who frequently engages in bullying behavior, using aggressive tactics to assert dominance and intimidate others.

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Behaviour of an abrasive personality and how they make others feel

Prevalence of Abrasiveness in Modern Society

In modern society, abrasiveness is prevalent in various forms.

The rise of social media has given people a platform to express their opinions, which often leads to aggressive behavior toward others.

Cyberbullying, trolling, and online harassment are examples of abrasiveness in the virtual world.

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Another example of abrasiveness is in politics, where politicians frequently engage in aggressive attacks and insults toward their opponents.

This often leads to a toxic atmosphere, where people feel hostile towards each other because of their political beliefs.

In the workplace, abrasiveness can manifest in the form of bullying, micromanagement, and aggression.

This can result in a negative work environment that affects the mental and emotional well-being of employees.

Characteristics of Abrasive Personalities

A man with abrasive personality talking disrespectfully to a lady

There are traits commonly associated with abrasive people. As I mentioned in the second paragraph of this post, I spot them from a distance and create my boundary immediately.

I will break down the characteristics of the abrasive personality into two – the negative traits they display and the identifiable behaviours in different situations like the workplace and in relationships.

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Negative Traits of the Abrasive Personality

  • Insensitivity: An abrasive person is often insensitive to others’ emotions, feelings, and perspectives.
  • Rudeness: Abrasive people tend to be rude and disrespectful in their communication style.
  • Arrogance: They may have a sense of superiority over others, which can come across as egotistical and self-centered.
  • Hostility: Abrasive individuals often exhibit hostility and anger, which can be off-putting to others.
  • Intimidation: They may attempt to intimidate others through their tone of voice, body language, or verbal aggression.

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  • Lack of empathy: They often lack empathy and are unable to connect emotionally with others.
  • Bluntness: These individuals tend to be direct and blunt in their communication, which can be interpreted as harsh or critical.
  • Impatience: They may display impatience and expect others to keep up with their fast-paced approach.
  • Negativity: An abrasive individual may have a negative outlook on life, often focusing on problems rather than solutions.
  • Inflexibility: Abrasive personalities may struggle with flexibility and compromise, preferring to impose their will on others.

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Abrasive Personality in the Workplace

A man responding combatively to another in an abrasive manner

Every other day, you hear people complain about their boss or coworker who is overbearing and difficult to deal with.

Here are some ways this happens:

  • Critical: They often criticize and find fault with others, rarely offer solutions, or listen to feedback.
  • Blaming: They are quick to blame others for their own mistakes or failures.
  • Manipulation: They use power, authority, status, or other means to manipulate others.
  • Entitlement: They often think they are entitled to special privileges, treatment, or rewards.
  • Sabotage: They may sabotage the work of others, gossip, or spread rumors to undermine colleagues or team members.
  • Lack of accountability: They rarely take responsibility for their actions or decisions, often deflecting blame to others or external factors.

Abrasive Personality in Relationships

A harsh, abrasive man

Hostile personality can manifest in any kind of relationship.

Here are the signs that identify this trait in relationships:

  • Aggressiveness: Abrasive individuals can be aggressive in their communication, whether it be verbal or nonverbal. They may often lash out at others, causing hurt, confusion, and fear.
  • Domineering: They may use their position, authority, and physicality to control and manipulate others to get their way.
  • Insensitivity: Abrasive individuals can be insensitive to other people’s feelings and emotions. They can often come across as dismissive, uncaring, or uninterested in what others have to say.
  • Blunt criticism: They may be highly critical in their approach, often disregarding any positive aspects of the situation and unduly fixating on what they see as wrong.
  • Difficulty with empathy: Abrasive individuals may struggle to place themselves in other people’s shoes, and, as such, may lack consideration for how their words or actions may impact those around them.
  • Offensive humour: They may use offensive language, tell offensive jokes, or make offensive comments, which can make people feel uncomfortable or offended.
  • Quick to anger: Abrasive individuals may react to personal situations with anger that is disproportionate to the circumstances, leading to a heated argument or conflict.

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Causes of Abrasive Personalities

A woman displaying abrasive behaviours towards another woman

Many factors contribute to people developing abrasive personalities and can be divided into childhood experiences and upbringing, mental illness, and external environmental factors.

1. Childhood Experiences and Upbringing

Childhood experiences such as neglect, abuse, trauma, or inconsistent parental care can have a significant impact on a person’s personality development.

Such experiences can lead a person to develop abrasive personality traits, such as arrogance, aggression, impulsiveness, and lack of empathy.

Several factors that could cause this problem due to childhood experiences are:

  • Overindulging or neglectful parents: Children who grow up in a home where the parents focus primarily on themselves may exhibit the traits in their adult years. Parents who are not very present in their children’s lives or who indulge them excessively might make children feel more entitled to get what they want when they want it.
  • Witnessing domestic violence or abuse: Growing up in a home where there is psychological, physical, or sexual abuse can significantly impact a child’s personality development. Children may become more aggressive or less empathetic as they grow older.
  • Experiencing bullying or harassment: When children are bullied or harassed by peers, they may develop abrasive personalities as a coping mechanism to protect themselves. Children may become rough, and insensitive and may have trust issues.
  • Harsh parenting: Parents who use punishment as their go-to method for discipline may cause children to develop aggressive behavior as it makes them feel that violence is normal and acceptable.

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2. Mental Illnesses and Disorders

Mental illnesses and disorders can affect an individual’s behaviour and personality in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Anxiety disorders: Individuals with anxiety disorders may display abrasive behaviour due to constant worry and fear, which causes them to be defensive and quick to anger.
  • Bipolar disorder: People with bipolar disorder can experience extreme mood swings, from mania to depression, resulting in impulsive and unpredictable behaviour.
  • Borderline personality disorder: This disorder is characterized by impulsivity, instability, and a history of unstable relationships, resulting in abrasive or aggressive behaviour.
  • Narcissistic personality disorder: People with this disorder can display abrasive behaviour due to their inflated sense of self-importance, entitlement, and lack of empathy for others.
  • Antisocial personality disorder: People with this disorder are known for their lack of remorse, empathy, and disregard for the rights of others, often resulting in abrasive or aggressive behaviour.

3. External Environmental Factors

  • Role models: Growing up around people who exhibit abrasive behaviour, such as parents, teachers, or peers, can normalize the behaviour and influence a person’s behaviour in the future.
  • Workplace culture: Some work environments, such as highly stressful or competitive ones, may encourage abrasive behaviour as a way to cope with pressure, establish dominance, or impress superiors.
  • Social norms: Culture and context influence the preference for directness and assertiveness, leading individuals to adopt abrasive personalities as a means to adapt and succeed in environments that value toughness.
  • Personal insecurities: Some people may become abrasive as a way to mask their own insecurities, fears, or vulnerabilities. By projecting a tough, intimidating persona, they may feel more in control or protected from criticism or rejection.

Consequences of Abrasive Personality

A woman communicating aggressively

Implications for Personal Relationships

Communication difficulties: Abrasive personalities hinder effective interaction due to their harsh communication style, resulting in miscommunication, misunderstandings, and strained relationships.

Strained friendships and family dynamics: Abrasive individuals struggle to maintain positive relationships, causing tension, conflicts, and resentment that lead to withdrawal or distancing.

Impact on intimate relationships: Combative personalities strain intimate relationships through constant criticism, aggressive behaviour, and lack of empathy, eroding trust and creating emotional distance.

Challenges in the Workplace

Negative impact on teamwork and collaboration: An abrasive personality impedes collaboration by creating a hostile environment, hindering productivity and limiting creativity in the team.

Decreased productivity and morale: Working with an aggressive person demoralizes colleagues, decreasing motivation and ultimately leading to lower productivity levels.

Potential career setbacks: A hostile personality hinders professional growth as others are less likely to collaborate, mentor, or recommend opportunities to someone difficult to work with.

Effects on One’s Emotional Well-being

Isolation and loneliness: Having a hostile personality leads to social isolation, as others avoid interaction due to your harsh behavior, resulting in loneliness and feeling unwanted.

Vulnerability to stress and burnout: Being abrasive causes high-stress levels for both individuals and those around them, leading to burnout and difficulties in managing stress effectively.

Negative impact on mental health: Maintaining an abrasive personality leads to anger, frustration, and dissatisfaction, increasing the risk of anxiety, depression, and psychological disorders over time.

Effects of Abrasive Personalities on Others

An abrasive man furious towards a woman

Abrasive people can have negative effects on people around them. No one has anything good to say about abrasive personalities.

Yes, they might have some positive traits, but their negatives overshadow all of that. Here are the effects this personality has on others:

1. Negative Impact on Personal Relationships and Communication

Abrassiveness can ruin relationships, and communication and leave an individual in emotional distress.

An individual must identify these behaviors and seek help to improve their communication and interpersonal skills.

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2. Decreased Job Satisfaction and Productivity in the Workplace

An abrasive personality can have detrimental effects on the workplace. It creates a hostile environment, decreases productivity, leads to high turnover rates, causes stress and emotional distress, and damages relationships with clients and customers.

3. Psychological Effects on Individuals Who Interact with Abrasive Personalities

Regularly interacting with abrasive personalities can have detrimental effects on mental and physical health, self-worth, and social relationships. Managing these behaviours is crucial to prevent long-term issues, as they can cause negative emotions, damage social connections, and lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

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Coping Strategies for Dealing with Abrasive Personalities

A man coping with and abrasive woman

Abrasive people can be a pain in the neck and difficult for people who are not emotionally strong.

From my experience as a coach to young budding people, here are some of the coping strategies that may help deal with abrasive personalities:

  • Recognize their behaviour: The first step in dealing with an abrasive personality is to recognize their behavior for what it is. This can help you avoid taking their actions personally.
  • Stay calm and composed: Try to remain calm and composed when dealing with an abrasive person. Do not let their behavior affect you.
  • Set boundaries: Be clear about your boundaries and do not tolerate behavior that is unacceptable to you. Make it clear that you will not tolerate verbal abuse, threats, or other forms of negative behavior.
  • Avoid confrontation: Avoid confronting an abrasive person head-on, as this may only escalate the situation. Instead, try to de-escalate the situation by calmly addressing their concerns or redirecting the conversation.
  • Seek support: Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist to help you cope with the stress of dealing with an abrasive personality.
  • Take care of yourself: Take care of yourself by engaging in self-care activities like exercise, meditation, or hobbies. This can help you cope with stress and maintain a positive outlook.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an abrasive personality?

It is characterized by behavior that is harsh, rude, critical, and often offensive to others. People with this problem may be confrontational, argumentative, and unwilling to compromise.

What causes an abrasive personality?

There is no one specific cause of this problem, as it can stem from a variety of factors such as personality traits, past experiences, and mental health conditions.

What does it mean to be an abrasive person?

Being an abrasive person means having a harsh, abrasive, or confrontational manner that often leads to friction or conflict in interpersonal interactions.

What is a strong abrasive personality?

A strong abrasive personality refers to someone who consistently displays abrasive behavior, such as being overly critical, aggressive, or insensitive, impacting their relationships and interactions.

Is abrasive a character trait?

Abrasive can be considered a character trait, as it describes a consistent pattern of behavior that is abrasive.

Does abrasive mean rude?

While being abrasive can involve rudeness, it is not synonymous with it. Abrasive behavior can manifest in various ways, including being blunt, harsh, or confrontational, without necessarily being rude.

Can an abrasive personality be changed?

Yes, with self-awareness, willingness to change, and professional help if needed, an abrasive individual can be changed. However, it may require a lot of effort and time, as changing deep-rooted behavior patterns can be challenging.

How can someone deal with an abrasive personality?

It is important to establish boundaries and communicate clearly with someone who has this problem. You can also try to empathize with them and understand why they behave the way they do. However, if the behavior becomes too difficult to manage, it may be necessary to limit or end the relationship.

How can someone with an abrasive personality improve their behaviour?

Self-reflection, seeking feedback from others, and seeking professional help can all help improve an abrasive individual. It is important to identify the root causes of the behaviour and work on developing more positive communication and interpersonal skills.

How do you deal with an abrasive partner?

Communicate openly, set boundaries, and seek professional help if needed to address the issues with your abrasive partner.

What does it mean to be an abrasive person?

An abrasive person is someone who behaves in a harsh, rude, or aggressive manner, often causing discomfort or conflict.

Why do people call me abrasive?

People may call you abrasive if your communication style is perceived as harsh, confrontational, or lacking in empathy.


Having an abrasive personality can be detrimental to one’s personal and professional relationships, as it can lead to isolation, negative criticism, and reduced productivity.

The prevalence of abrasiveness in modern society is a significant problem that can lead to social, political, and workplace conflict.

It is important to promote respect, kindness, and empathy towards others, both online and offline, to counteract this negative behavior.

Parents and caregivers play significant roles in a child’s development, and positive nurturing can shape an individual’s future positively.

However, with therapy, counseling, and a willingness to change, one can work on improving their personality and learn better ways to interact with others.


  1. Dealing With Abrasive People
  2. 7 Signs Someone Is Coming Off As Abrasive Without Realizing It
  3. Abrasive Personality Profile: Meaning, Definition, Traits and Underlying Causes
  4. How Do You Coach and Change the Abrasive Personality?
  5. 13 Signs of Abrasive Personality

Pious Clements is the insightful voice behind "The Conducts of Life" blog, where he writes about life ethics, self-development, life mastery, and the dynamics of people and society.

With a profound understanding of human behaviuor and societal dynamics, Pious offers thought-provoking perspectives on ethical living and personal growth.
Through engaging narratives and astute observations, he inspires readers to navigate life's complexities with wisdom and integrity, encouraging a deeper understanding of the human experience and our place within society.